DKRZ NCL Box-Whisker plot example#

First, the boxplot_mod function definition which should be stored in a separate file e.g. lib_boxplot_mod.ncl.

function boxplot_mod(wks:graphic,x[*]:numeric,y[*][*]:numeric,\
; This boxplot_mod function is based on Dennis Shea's boxplot function from
; $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl library. It's extended to
; be able to fill the boxes and add a label at the side of each box.
; Added resources to boxOpts:
;  boxLabels       boxOpts@labels = (/"label box1","label box2"/)
;  labelPosition   right or left, e.g. boxOpts@labelPosition = "right"
;  fillColorOn     turn on fill color
;  fillColors      boxOpts@fillColors = (/"green","blue"/)
; 16.03.18    kmf
; This function creates a blank linLog plot object, on which box plots are
; created by extensive use of gsn_add_polyline. The user can draw as many or
; as few box plots as they wish. The plot is not drawn, and the frame is not
; advanced. May be used with gsn_panel. Missing data may be present in the
; input Y array, but not the input X array.
; The function options are as follows:
; wks         The workstation
; x[*]        A one-dimensional array containing the X-axis values of where
;             the box plot(s) will be drawn.
; y[*][*]     A two-dimensional array, where the rightmost dimension contains
;             the box plot reference pt. data.
;             y(n,0)=bottom_value, y(n,1)=bottom_value_of_box,
;             y(n,2)=mid-value_of_box,y(n,3)=top_value_of_box,y(n,4)=top_value
; boxOpts     2 options attached as attributes may be attached here.
; boxWidth    Scalar or array that contains the widths of the boxes.
; boxColors   Scalar or array that contains the colors that the boxes will
;             be drawn in.
;             Ex. boxOpts@boxColors =    (/"green","blue"/)
;             If the number of colors specified does not equal the number of
;             boxes drawn, only the first color specified will be used.
; plotres     An optional xy-plot resource list. Will override defaults where
;             applicable.
; lineres     An optional resource list pertaining to the lines used to draw
;             the boxes/lines.
; Example call: plot3 = boxplot(wks,ntime,newyval,opti,res,False)
;               draw(plot3)
;               frame(wks)
   dimquery = dimsizes(y)
   numbox = dimquery(0)
   boxWidths = new((/numbox/),float)

   if (numbox .ne. dimsizes(x)) then
            print("boxplot: Fatal: X must be one-dimensional and both X and Y"+\
            " must have the same leftmost dimension")
   end if

   if (any(ismissing(x))) then
            print("boxplot: Fatal: X array cannot contain missing data, exiting")
   end if

   ; Developing x-axis
   xAxis = new(numbox+2,typeof(x))
   xAxis(1:numbox) = x
   if ( then
      dx = x(1)-x(0)
      xAxis(0) = x(0)-dx
      xAxis(numbox+1) = x(numbox-1)+dx
      dx = 1
      xAxis(0) = x-dx
      xAxis(2) = x+dx
   end if

   if (boxOpts) then
      if (isatt(boxOpts,"boxWidth")) then
         if (dimsizes(boxOpts@boxWidth) .ne. 1 .and. \
             dimsizes(boxOpts@boxWidth) .ne. numbox) then
             print("boxplot: Number of input box widths must either equal 1 "+\
                   "or the number of boxes ("+numbox+"). "+ \
                   "Using first specified box width only.")
             boxWidths(:) = boxOpts@boxWidth(0)
             boxWidths = boxOpts@boxWidth
         end if
         boxWidths(:) = dx*.3
      end if
      boxWidths(:) = dx*.3
   end if

   labarr = new(numbox+2,"string")            ; Prepare actual X-axis labels...
   labarr(0) = ""
   labarr(numbox+1) = ""
   labarr(1:numbox) = xAxis(1:numbox)

   ; Whether to maximize plot in frame.
   maximize = get_res_value(plotres,"gsnMaximize",False)

   if (plotres) then
      fsatts = getvaratts(plotres)

      do ty = 0,dimsizes(fsatts)-1
         if (fsatts(ty).eq."tmXBLabels") then   ; test for XBLabels
             if (dimsizes(plotres@tmXBLabels).ne.numbox) then
                print("boxplot: Fatal:Number of XB Labels does not match "+\
                      "number of boxes, exiting")
                labarr(1:numbox) = plotres@$fsatts(ty)$
             end if
             xblab = plotres@tmXBLabels
             delete(plotres@tmXBLabels)     ; Delete tmXBLabels
         end if       ;atts are assigned below...
      end do

   end if

   plot = create "plot" logLinPlotClass wks
            "trYMinF"                : min(y)-2
            "trYMaxF"                : max(y)+2
            "trXMinF"                : min(xAxis)
            "trXMaxF"                : max(xAxis)
            "pmTickMarkDisplayMode"  : "Always"
            "tmXBMode"               : "Explicit"
            "tmXBValues"             : xAxis
            "tmXBLabels"             : labarr
            "tmYROn"                 : False
            "tmXTOn"                 : False
            "tmYRBorderOn"           : False
            "tmXTBorderOn"           : False
            "pmTitleDisplayMode"     : "Always"       ; allow titles
            "tiMainOn"               : True
            "tiMainString"           : ""
          end create

   if (plotres) then
   end if

   polyres = True                      ; set up defaults
   polyres@gsLineColor       = "black" ; color of lines
   polyres@gsLineThicknessF  = 1.5     ; thickness of lines
   polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 0

   if (lineres) then
      fsatts = getvaratts(lineres)
      do ty = 0,dimsizes(fsatts)-1
         polyres@$fsatts(ty)$ = lineres@$fsatts(ty)$
      end do
   end if

   if (boxOpts) then
      if (isatt(boxOpts,"boxColors")) then
         boxcolor = boxOpts@boxColors
         if (dimsizes(boxcolor) .eq. 1 .or. dimsizes(boxcolor) .ne. numbox) then
            if (dimsizes(boxcolor) .ne. numbox) then
                print("boxplot: warning: Number of input colors must either "+ \
                      "equal 1 or the number of boxes ("+numbox+"). "+ \
                      "Using first specified color only.")
            end if
            polyres@gsLineColor = boxcolor(0)
            cflag = 1
            cflag = 2
         end if
         cflag =1
      end if
      cflag = 1
   end if

;-- set label text resources
   textres =    True
   textres@txFontColor   = "black"     ;-- set text color to black
   textres@txFontHeightF =  0.012      ;-- decrease font size
   textres@txJust        = "CenterCenter"
   textres@txAngleF      =  90.        ;-- rotate text counterclockwise 90 deg.

;-- assign graphic array for polylines (outlines)
   dum = new((/numbox,9/),graphic)

;-- add graphic arrays for filled polygons and labels
   dumf  = new(numbox,graphic)
   dumtx = new(numbox,graphic)

;-- draw filled boxes and label them if turned on
   do im=0,numbox-1
      ff = xAxis(im+1)
      if(isatt(boxOpts,"fillColorOn")) then

         if(boxOpts@fillColorOn .eq. "True") then
            if(isatt(boxOpts,"fillColors")) then
               polyres@gsLineColor = "black" ;-- set to black for the outlines
               polyres@gsFillColor =    boxOpts@fillColors(im)
               cflag = 1
            end if
            pxl = (ff-(boxWidths(im)/2.))
            pxr = (ff+(boxWidths(im)/2.))
            px    = (/pxl,pxr,pxr,pxl,pxl/)
            py    = (/y(im,3),y(im,3),y(im,1),y(im,1),y(im,3)/)
            dumf(im) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,plot,px,py,polyres)
         end if

         if(isatt(boxOpts,"boxLabels")) then
            if(isatt(boxOpts,"labelPosition")) then
               if(boxOpts@labelPosition .eq. "right") then
                        txx = (ff+(boxWidths(im)/2.)) + (boxWidths(im)/2.)
               else if(boxOpts@labelPosition .eq. "left") then
                        txx = (ff-(boxWidths(im)/2.)) - (boxWidths(im)/2.)
               end if
               end if
            end if
            label = boxOpts@boxLabels(im)
            txy       = y(im,3) - (y(im,3)-y(im,1))/2.

            dumtx(im) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot,label,txx,txy,textres)
         end if
      end if
   end do

;-- create the polylines for the box-whisker plot
   do gg = 0,numbox-1
      ff = xAxis(gg+1)

      if (cflag.eq.2) then
                  polyres@gsLineColor = boxcolor(gg)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,4),y(gg,4)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/8.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/8.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,0) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,3),y(gg,4)/)
      xx = (/ff,ff/)
      polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 1
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,1) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if
      polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 0

      yy = (/y(gg,3),y(gg,3)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/2.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/2.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,2) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,1),y(gg,3)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/2.)),(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/2.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,3) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,2),y(gg,2)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/2.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/2.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,4) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,1),y(gg,3)/)
      xx = (/(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/2.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/2.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,5) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,1),y(gg,1)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/2.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/2.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,6) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

      yy = (/y(gg,0),y(gg,1)/)
      xx = (/ff,ff/)
      polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 1
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,7) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if
      polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 0

      yy = (/y(gg,0),y(gg,0)/)
      xx = (/(ff-(boxWidths(gg)/8.)),(ff+(boxWidths(gg)/8.))/)
      if (.not.(any(ismissing(xx).or.ismissing(yy)))) then
               dum(gg,8) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,polyres)
      end if

   end do

;-- add graphic objects to the plot
   dumname = unique_string("dum")
   plot@$dumname$ = dum

   if(isatt(boxOpts,"fillColorOn")) then
            if(boxOpts@fillColorOn .eq. "True") then
                     dumfname = unique_string("dumf")
                     plot@$dumfname$ = dumf
            end if
   end if

   if(isatt(boxOpts,"boxLabels")) then
            dumtxname = unique_string("dumtx")
            plot@$dumtxname$ = dumtx
   end if

   if (isvar("xblab") .eq. "True") then
            plotres@tmXBLabels = xblab   ; reassign XBLabels
   end if

   if (maximize) then
            mres = True
            mres@gsnDraw    = False
            mres@gsnFrame = False
   end if


Example plot source code which calls boxplot_mod:

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DKRZ NCL Example:  test_boxplot_mod_data.ncl
; Description:       box-whisker plot
;                    - fill the boxes with defined colors
;                    - add labels to the box sides
; Thanks to Yohei Takano for the idea and the base script.
; 19.03.18    kmf
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; load the local boxplot_mod function (based on Dennis Shea's boxplot function)
load "./lib_boxplot_mod.ncl"


;-- open file and read the variable
    f = addfile("$HOME/data/Hadley-Center/","r")
    time = f->time

    utc_date = cd_calendar(time, 0)  ;-- convert time to strings
    year = toint(utc_date(:,0))      ;-- YYYY

    tmin = 1950
    tmax = max(year)

    t_ind = ind(year .ge. tmin)
    nyear = dimsizes(t_ind)
    ntimes = ispan(0,nyear-1,1)      ;-- years in total

    sst = f->sst(t_ind,0,0)

;-- remove the linear trend
    rc_sst  = regCoef(ntimes,sst)    ;-- calculate the linear regression
    ltr_sst = rc_sst*ntimes          ;-- linear regression over all years

;-- linear trend estimate
    sst_d = sst - ltr_sst

;-- statistics for Box-Whisker plot
    opt = True
    opt@PrintStat = False

    stat = stat_dispersion(sst_d,opt) ;-- compute a number of robust statistics

;-- assign array to hold the statistics
    yb = new((/2,5/),"float",-999.)

    yb(0,0) = stat(2)                ;-- min
    yb(0,1) = stat(6)                ;-- low quartile (25%)
    yb(0,2) = stat(8)                ;-- median
    yb(0,3) = stat(10)               ;-- high quartile (75%)
    yb(0,4) = stat(14)               ;-- max

    yb(1,0) = stat(2)                ;-- min
    yb(1,1) = stat(6)                ;-- low quartile (25%)
    yb(1,2) = stat(8)                ;-- median
    yb(1,3) = stat(10)               ;-- high quartile (75%)
    yb(1,4) = stat(14)               ;-- max

;-- open a workstation
    wks_type = "png"
    wks_type@wkWidth  = 1200
    wks_type@wkHeight = 1200

    wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,"plot_box_whisker_fill_color_label")

;-- assign graphics array
    plot = new(2,graphic)

;-- y-axis range
    ymin =    5
    ymax = 20

;-- font size of titles and axis labels
    font_size = 0.015

;-- timeseries resources - xy-plot
    res =  True
    res@gsnDraw             =  False
    res@gsnFrame            =  False

    res@vpXF                =  0.093
    res@vpYF                =  0.70
    res@vpWidthF            =  0.40
    res@vpHeightF           =  0.25

    res@gsnLeftString       = "Detrended HadISST from "+tmin+"-"+tmax
    res@gsnRightString      = " "
    res@gsnLeftStringFontHeightF   =  font_size
    res@gsnRightStringFontHeightF  =  font_size

    res@tiXAxisString       = "Year"
    res@tiYAxisString       = "Global SST [degC]"
    res@tiXAxisFontHeightF  =  font_size
    res@tiYAxisFontHeightF  =  font_size

    res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF =  font_size
    res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF =  font_size - 0.002

    res@tmXMajorGrid                =  True
    res@tmXMajorGridThicknessF      =  1.0
    res@tmXMajorGridLineDashPattern =  2

    res@tmYMajorGrid                =  True
    res@tmYMajorGridThicknessF      =  1.0
    res@tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern =  2

    res@trXMinF             =  tmin
    res@trXMaxF             =  tmax

    res@trYMinF             =  ymin
    res@trYMaxF             =  ymax

    res@xyLineColor         = "black"
    res@xyLineThicknessF    =  3.0
    res@xyDashPattern       =  0

;-- create the first plot - timeseries
    plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy(wks, year(t_ind), sst_d, res)

;-- resources for the second plot
    resBW =    True

    resBW@vpXF              =  0.595
    resBW@vpYF              =  0.80
    resBW@vpWidthF          =  0.40
    resBW@vpHeightF         =  0.50

    resBW@trYMinF           =  res@trYMinF
    resBW@trYMaxF           =  res@trYMaxF

    resBW@tiMainString      = "Box-Whisker Plot of detrended SST"
    resBW@tiMainFontHeightF =  font_size

    resBW@tmXBLabels        = (/"SST 1","SST 2"/)

    resBW@tmXBLabelFontHeightF =  font_size
    resBW@tmYLLabelFontHeightF =  font_size

    lresBW                  =  True
    lresBW@gsLineThicknessF =  2.5

;-- Box-Whisker plot resources
    OptBW                   =  True
    OptBW@boxWidth          =  1.0
    OptBW@fillColorOn       =  True           ;-- turn fill color on
    OptBW@fillColors        = (/"green","red"/) ;-- set fill colors
    OptBW@labelPosition     = "right" ;-- label position "right" or "left"
    OptBW@boxLabels         = (/"label box 1","label box 2"/) ;-- set box labels

;-- where to draw the boxes at the x-axis
    xb = (/-5., 1/)

;-- create the second plot - boxplot
    plot(1) = boxplot_mod(wks, xb, yb, OptBW, resBW, lresBW)

;-- draw the plots and advance the frame


