DKRZ NCL ICON (unstructured grid): draw vectors#

Example script:

; DKRZ NCL Example:   draw_vectors_ICON.ncl
; Description:    draw vectors (unstructured grid) using
;                 the weather symbols package WMAP
; 09.07.18 kmf

  r2d = get_r2d("float") ;-- radians to degrees

  fu = addfile("","r")
  fv = addfile("","r")

  u = fu->U_10M(0,0,:) ;-- U-Component of wind
  v = fv->V_10M(0,0,:) ;-- V-Component of wind

  clon = tofloat(fu->clon * r2d) ;-- must be of type float
  clat = tofloat(fu->clat * r2d) ;-- must be of type float

  ;-- define sub-region
  lonmin = 0.0
  lonmax = 120.0
  latmin = 0.0
  latmax = 60.0

  ;-- retrieve the indices of the cells within the sub-region; subset clat, clon, u and v
  tmp_ind = ind((clon .ge. lonmin .and. clon .le. lonmax) .and. (clat .ge. latmin .and. clat .le. latmax))
  clon_new = clon(tmp_ind)
  clat_new = clat(tmp_ind)
  u_new = u(tmp_ind)
  v_new = v(tmp_ind)

  ;-- open workstation
  wks_type = "png"
  wks_type@wkWidth = 1200
  wks_type@wkHeight = 1200
  wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,"plot_draw_vectors_ICON")

  ;-- map resource settings
  mpres = True
  mpres@gsnFrame = False ;-- don't advance the frame
  mpres@gsnMaximize = True ;-- maximize plot output
  mpres@gsnLeftString = "Zonal Wind" ;-- left string
  mpres@gsnRightString = "m/s" ;-- right string

  mpres@mpOutlineOn = True ;-- outline map
  mpres@mpMinLatF = latmin ;-- min lat
  mpres@mpMaxLatF = latmax ;-- max lat
  mpres@mpMinLonF = lonmin ;-- min lon
  mpres@mpMaxLonF = lonmax ;-- max lon

  mpres@tiMainString = "Unstructured grid (ICON): draw vectors~C~~Z80~workaround using WMAP package"
  mpres@tiMainOffsetXF = -0.13 ;-- move title string to the left
  mpres@tiMainOffsetYF = 0.04 ;-- move title string upward

  map = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres) ;-- create the map

  ;-- weather symbols settings for vectors
  wmsetp("vrs - reference vector size",10.)
  wmsetp("vrn - NDC size corresponding to vrs",0.03)
  wmsetp("vcw - vector line width scale",2.0)
  wmsetp("vch - vector head",0.005) ;-- black
  wmsetp("vcc - vector color",1) ;-- black

  inc = 1000 ;-- draw every inc'th vector (total number of vectors: ~21 million)

  wmvectmap(wks, clat_new(::inc),clon_new(::inc),u_new(::inc),v_new(::inc)) ;-- draw the weather symbols: arrow

  ;-- draw label box
  getvalues map ;-- retrieve the width, height, x- and y-position of the map
    "vpWidthF" : vpw
    "vpHeightF" : vph
    "vpXF" : vpx
    "vpYF" : vpy
  end getvalues

  wmvlbl(wks,(vpx+vpw),(vpy-vph)) ;-- draw label box (reference vector); x,y values: right lower corner

  ;-- advance the frame


