DKRZ NCL regional map overlayed on global map Satellite projection example#
Example script:
; DKRZ NCL example: attach_map_to_map.ncl
; Description: Plot a regional map with 0.11 degrees
; resolution on a global map with 1.875s
; degree resolution
; - Satellite projection
; - define user procedure to draw grid lines from data grid
; on global map
; - turn off grid lines on regional map
; - geophysical map outlines on both maps
; - common color map
; - common labelbar
; - draw a shadow of the regional plot
; - use gsn_text_ndc to draw title and copyright info strings
; 29.04.16 meier-fleischer(at)
;-- Procedure: draw_data_grid_lines
;-- draw grid lines of origin latitudes and
;-- longitudes
procedure draw_data_grid_lines(wks,map,var)
local lats, lons, numlon, numlat, lon_step, lat_step, ilat, ilon, x, y
BOXES = 1 ;-- 0: lat/lon grid lines in cell center
;-- 1: lat/lon grid lines around cells (=boxes)
lats = var&lat
lons = var&lon
lat_step = lats(1) - lats(0)
lon_step = lons(1) - lons(0)
numlat = dimsizes(lats)
numlon = dimsizes(lons)
lonadd = new(numlon+1,typeof(lons)) ;-- max. longitude less 360. so we have to add it
lonadd(0:numlon-1) = lons
lonadd(numlon) = lons(numlon-1)+lon_step
;-- grid line resources
gres = True
gres@gsLineColor = "grey50" ;-- grid line color
gres@gsLineThicknessF = 1.7 ;-- grid line thickness
;-- assign x and x arrays for the grid lines
x = new(numlon+1,typeof(lons))
y = new(numlon+1,typeof(lats))
;-- draw cell centers
if(BOXES .eq. 0) then
dx = 0. ;-- cell center
dy = 0. ;-- cell center
dx = lon_step/2. ;-- boxes
dy = lat_step/2. ;-- boxes
end if
;-- draw horizontal lines
x = lonadd + dx
do ilat = 0,numlat-1
y = lats(ilat) + dy
str = unique_string("gridline") ;-- create a unique name
map@$str$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map, x, y, gres) ;-- add polyline to map
end do
;-- draw vertical lines
y := fspan(min(lats),max(lats),numlon) + dy
do ilon = 0,numlon
x = lonadd(ilon) + dx
str = unique_string("gridline") ;-- create unique name
map@$str$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map, x, y, gres) ;-- add polyline to map
end do
end ;-- end procedure draw_data_grid_lines
;-- Main
;-- global data: open files and read data
f1 = addfile("$HOME/data/CMIP5/atmos/","r")
var1 = f1->orog(:,:)
mask1 = addfile("$HOME/data/CMIP5/atmos/","r")
lsm1 = mask1->sftlf(:,:)
lsm1 = where(,-9999,lsm1)
lat = f1->lat ;-- retrieve latitudes
lon = f1->lon ;-- retrieve longitudes
dlat = lat(1)-lat(0) ;-- lat grid interval
dlon = lon(1)-lon(0) ;-- lon grid interval
nlat1 = dimsizes(lon) ;-- number of latitudes
nlon1 = dimsizes(lon) ;-- number of longitudes
land_only1 = mask(var1,lsm1,-9999)
land_only1!0 = "lat" ;-- named coordinate lat
land_only1!1 = "lon" ;-- named coordinate lon
land_only1&lat = lat ;-- assign variable lat
land_only1&lon = lon ;-- assign variable lon
;-- regional data: open files and read data
f2 = addfile("$HOME/data/CORDEX/EUR-11/","r")
var2 = f2->orog(:,:)
mask2 = addfile("$HOME/data/CORDEX/EUR-11/","r")
lsm2 = mask2->sftlf(:,:)
lsm2 = where(,-9999,lsm2)
land_only2 = var2
land_only2 = mask(var2,lsm2,-9999)
lat2d = f2->lat ;-- retrieve latitudes
lon2d = f2->lon ;-- retrieve longitudes
nlat = dimsizes(lat2d(:,0)) ;-- number of latitudes
nlon = dimsizes(lon2d(0,:)) ;-- number of longitudes
;-- open workstation
wks_type = "png" ;-- output graphic type
wks_type@wkBackgroundColor = "grey20" ;-- background color
wks_type@wkForegroundColor = "white" ;-- foreground color
wks_type@wkWidth = 1500 ;-- workstation width
wks_type@wkHeight = 1500 ;-- workstation height
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,"plot_attach_map_to_map_Satellite")
;-- common resources
res = True
res@gsnDraw = False ;-- don't draw plot yet
res@gsnFrame = False ;-- don't advance frame
;-- common map resources
mapres = res
mapres@vpWidthF = 1.0 ;-- viewport width
mapres@vpHeightF = 0.85 ;-- viewport height
mapres@vpXF = 0.08 ;-- start x-position
mapres@vpYF = 0.90 ;-- start y-position
mapres@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ;-- map resolution
mapres@mpProjection = "Satellite" ;-- map projection
mapres@mpLimitMode = "angles" ;-- angles represent angular
mapres@mpLeftAngleF = 25. ;-- deviation from the line
mapres@mpRightAngleF = 25. ;-- of sight from the satellite
mapres@mpTopAngleF = 25. ;-- to the projection center
mapres@mpBottomAngleF = 25.
mapres@mpCenterLatF = 40. ;-- center latitude
mapres@mpCenterLonF = 10. ;-- center longitude
mapres@mpSatelliteAngle1F = 7.*57.2957795130823*asin(1./30.)/8. ;-- 1.671437 to 3.58404
mapres@mpSatelliteAngle2F = 85. ;-- orthogonal view
mapres@mpSatelliteDistF = 2.32 ;-- n-times Earth distance
mapres@mpLabelsOn = False ;-- no map labels
mapres@mpPerimOn = False ;-- don't draw a box around the map plot
mapres@mpOutlineOn = True ;-- draw coastal outlines
mapres@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.7 ;-- line thickness
mapres@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "grey30" ;-- line color
;-- map resources for global map
mpres = mapres
mpres@mpFillOn = True ;-- turn map fill on
mpres@mpFillDrawOrder = "PreDraw" ;-- draw filled map first
mpres@mpOceanFillColor = (/ 0.824, 0.961, 1.0 /) ;-- ocean color
mpres@mpInlandWaterFillColor = (/ 0.824, 0.961, 1.0 /) ;-- inland water color
mpres@mpLandFillColor = (/ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 /) ;-- land color
map = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres) ;-- create the global base map
print("---> global map done")
;-- common contour resources
cnres = res
cnres@cnFillOn = True ;-- turn contour fill on
cnres@cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ;-- use raster fill
cnres@cnMissingValFillColor = "steelblue1" ;-- missing value color
cnres@cnLinesOn = False ;-- don't draw contour lines
cnres@cnLineLabelsOn = False ;-- don't draw contour line labels
cnres@cnInfoLabelOn = False ;-- don't draw contour info label
cnres@cnFillPalette = "OceanLakeLandSnow" ;-- choose color map
cnres@cnRasterSmoothingOn = False ;-- do not smooth contouring
cnres@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ;-- use manual levels
cnres@cnMinLevelValF = -100.0 ;-- minimum contour value
cnres@cnMaxLevelValF = 3000. ;-- maximum contour value
cnres@cnLevelSpacingF = 50. ;-- contour interval
cnres@gsnLeftString = "["+var1@units+"]" ;-- draw units above the labelbar
cnres@gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF = -0.01 ;-- move the left string downward
cnres@gsnLeftStringParallelPosF = -0.066 ;-- move left string left
cnres@gsnLeftStringFontHeightF = 0.012 ;-- left string font size
cnres@gsnRightString = "" ;-- don't draw right string
cnres@tiXAxisString = "" ;-- don't draw x-axis title
cnres@tiYAxisString = "" ;-- don't draw y-axis title
cnres@lbAutoManage = False ;-- control labelbar manually
cnres@lbBoxMinorExtentF = 0.2 ;-- smaller labelbar boxes
cnres@lbOrientation = "vertical" ;-- labelbar orientation
cnres@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.012 ;-- labelbar font size
cnres@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -1.225 ;-- move labelbar to the left side of plot
cnres@pmLabelBarParallelPosF = 0.49 ;-- move labelbar downwards; default: 0.5
cnres@lbLabelPosition = "left" ;-- move labels to left side of labelbar
cnres@lbRightMarginF = -0.28 ;-- move labelbar to the left
;-- contour resources plot1
cnres1 = cnres
cnres1@gsnAddCyclic = True ;-- add cyclic point
plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,land_only1,cnres1) ;-- create global plot
print("---> contour plot1 done")
;-- overlay plot1 on map
print("---> overlay contour plot1 on global map")
;-- add grid lines from original grid
draw_data_grid_lines(wks,map,land_only1) ;-- procedure defined above
print("---> draw grid lines on global map")
;-- regional contour resources
cnres2 = cnres
cnres2@trYReverse = True ;-- reverse y-axis
cnres2@tfDoNDCOverlay = False ;-- transform to standard lat/lon
cnres2@sfXArray = lon2d ;-- longitude array
cnres2@sfYArray = lat2d ;-- latitude array
cnres2@lbLabelBarOn = False ;-- don't draw a labelbar
cnres2@cnFillDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ;-- draw last; default: "Draw"
plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,land_only2,cnres2) ;-- create Europe plot
print("---> regional contour plot2 done")
;-- edges for the shadow box and the borderline of plot2
lon_val_upper = lon2d(nlat-1,:)
lat_val_upper = lat2d(nlat-1,:)
lon_val_lower = lon2d(0,:)
lat_val_lower = lat2d(0,:)
lon_val_left = lon2d(:,0)
lat_val_left = lat2d(:,0)
lon_val_right = lon2d(:,nlon-1)
lat_val_right = lat2d(:,nlon-1)
;-- draw a "shadow" rectangle around the regional map for better visibility
dx = 1.5 ;-- x-offset of shadow rectangle
dy = 1.0 ;-- y-offset of shadow rectangle
;-- x-array for shadow rectangle
x = array_append_record((/lon_val_lower+dx/), (/lon_val_right+dx/), 0)
x := array_append_record((/x/), (/lon_val_upper(::-1)+dx/), 0)
x := array_append_record((/x/), (/lon_val_left(::-1)+dx/), 0)
x := array_append_record((/x/), (/lon2d(0,0)+dx/), 0)
;-- y-array for shadow rectangle
y = array_append_record((/lat_val_lower-dy/), (/lat_val_right-dy/), 0)
y := array_append_record((/y/), (/lat_val_upper(::-1)-dy/), 0)
y := array_append_record((/y/), (/lat_val_left(::-1)-dy/), 0)
y := array_append_record((/y/), (/lat2d(0,0)-dy/), 0)
;-- draw the transparent shadow rectangle (filled polygon)
pgres = True
pgres@tfPolyDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ;-- draw the rectangle last
pgres@gsLineColor = "grey30" ;-- rectangle line color
pgres@gsFillColor = "grey30" ;-- rectangle fill color
pgres@gsFillOpacityF = 0.7 ;-- light transparency
shadow = gsn_add_polygon(wks, map, x, y, pgres) ;-- attach shadow rectangle to map
print("---> regional plot2 shadow done")
;-- overlay regional plot on map
print("---> overlay regional plot2 done")
;-- create a simple global map with geophysical outlines only
mpres2 = mapres
mpres2@mpGridAndLimbOn = False ;-- don't draw map grid lines
mpres2@mpFillOn = False ;-- don't fill map
map2 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres2) ;-- create simple map
print("---> simple map2 outlines done")
;-- attach map2 to map to draw the geophysical outlines ontop of the regional map, too.
anres = True
anid = gsn_add_annotation(map,map2,anres) ;-- attach map2 to map
print("---> add map2 annotation done")
;-- draw the edges of the regional map in black
plres = True
plres@tfPolyDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ;-- draw line last
plres@gsLineThicknessF = 1.5 ;-- line thickness
plres@gsLineColor = "grey15" ;-- line color
upper = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map2, lon_val_upper, lat_val_upper, plres) ;-- attach upper line
lower = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map2, lon_val_lower, lat_val_lower, plres) ;-- attach lower line
left = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map2, lon_val_left, lat_val_left, plres) ;-- attach left line
right = gsn_add_polyline(wks, map2, lon_val_right, lat_val_right, plres) ;-- attach right line
print("---> black rectangle/edge done")
;-- draw the map
;-- draw manual title on top of the plot
title = "Overlay: regional on global grid (orography)" ;-- title string
tires = True ;-- text resources copyright string
tires@txFontColor = "white" ;-- change to white
tires@txJust = "CenterCenter" ;-- text justification
tires@txFontHeightF = 0.024 ;-- make font size smaller
tires@txFontThicknessF = 3.0 ;-- thicker font
gsn_text_ndc(wks,title, 0.6, 0.95, tires) ;-- plot copyright info
;-- add copyright info string
txres = True ;-- text resources copyright string
txres@txFontColor = "white" ;-- change to white
txres@txJust = "BottomRight" ;-- text justification
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.013 ;-- make font size smaller
txres@txFontThicknessF = 3.0 ;-- thicker font
gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F35~c ~F21~~N~DKRZ", 0.98, 0.013, txres) ;-- plot copyright info
;-- advance the frame
print("---> all done")