DKRZ NCL tickmarks example#

Example script:

;-- DKRZ NCL example:   NCL_tickmarks.ncl
;-- Description:        tickmarks settings
;--                       - axis tickmarks
;--                       - axis labels
;-- 01.07.14  kmf
;-- generate dummy data
  x  = ispan(0,100,1)
  y  = cos(0.0628*ispan(0,100,1))              ;-- generate a curve with 101 points.

;-- open a workstation with the resource settings above
  wks_type          = "png"
  wks_type@wkWidth  =  1024
  wks_type@wkHeight =  1024
  wks  = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, "plot_tickmarks")

;-- map plot
  f = addfile("$NCL_TUT/data/","r") ;-- open data file
  var = f->tsurf(0,:,:)                        ;-- read variable

;-- resource settings
  res                      =  True
  res@gsnLeftString        = ""
  res@gsnRightString       = ""
  res@cnLineLabelsOn       =  False

;-- latitude settings
  res@gsnMajorLatSpacing   =  10             ;-- change major lat tickmark spacing
  res@gsnMinorLatSpacing   =  2.5            ;-- change major lat tickmark spacing

  res@tmYLLabelStride      =  3              ;-- write only every 3rd label
  res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF =  0.014          ;-- change major lat tickmark spacing
  res@tmYLMajorLengthF     =  0.02           ;-- change the tickmark length
  res@tmYLMinorLengthF     =  0.01           ;-- change the tickmark length
  res@tmYLMajorLineColor   = "blue"          ;-- change major tickmarks color
  res@tmYLMinorLineColor   = "grey20"        ;-- change major tickmarks color
  res@tmYLLabelFontColor   = "blue"          ;-- change label color
  res@tmYLLabelDeltaF      = -0.6            ;-- increase distance between y-axis and labels

  res@tmYRLabelsOn         =  True           ;-- turn the YR labels on

  res@tiYAxisString        = "Latitude"
  res@tiYAxisOffsetXF      =  -0.05
  res@tiYAxisFontHeightF   =  0.012

;-- longitude settings
  res@gsnMajorLonSpacing   =  10             ;-- change major lon tickmark spacing
  res@gsnMinorLonSpacing   =  2.5            ;-- change major lon tickmark spacing

  res@tmXBLabelStride      =  3              ;-- write only every 4th label
  res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF =  0.014          ;-- change major lat tickmark spacing
  res@tmXBMajorLengthF     =  0.02           ;-- change the tickmark length
  res@tmXBMinorLengthF     =  0.01           ;-- change the tickmark length
  res@tmXBMajorLineColor   = "red"           ;-- change major tickmarks color
  res@tmXBMinorLineColor   = "grey20"        ;-- change major tickmarks color
  res@tmXBLabelFontColor   = "red"           ;-- change label color
  res@tmXBLabelDeltaF      = -0.6            ;-- increase distance between x-axis and labels

  res@tmXTLabelsOn         =  True           ;-- turn the YR labels on

  res@tiXAxisString        = "Longitude"
  res@tiXAxisOffsetYF      =  0.04
  res@tiXAxisFontHeightF   =  0.014

;-- grid line settings
  res@mpGridAndLimbOn      =  True           ;-- draw grid lines on the plot
  res@mpGridLatSpacingF    =  20             ;-- grid line lat spacing
  res@mpGridLonSpacingF    =  45             ;-- grid line lon spacing
  res@mpGridLineColor      = "gray"          ;-- grid line color

;-- create the plot
  plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var,res)


