;-- DKRZ NCL Light Hands-On EGU 2014 SPM1.12
;-- Example script: ex_netcdf_2.ncl (basic script)
;-- Settings: convert temperature in Kelvin to Celsius,
;-- write variable to new netCDF file,
;-- netCDF 3
;-- 2014-03-22 Karin Meier-Fleischer (meier-fleischer@dkrz.de)
outfile = "t_in_Celsius_2.nc"
if (isfilepresent(outfile)) then
system("rm -rf "+outfile) ;-- make sure that file does not exist
end if
;-- open data file
fin = addfile("ECHAM5_OM_A1B_t_20010101.nc","r") ;-- open data file
;-- get variable t and its dimensions and dimension sizes
tK = fin->t ;-- get variable
time = fin->time ;-- get dimension time
lev = fin->lev ;-- get dimension lev
lat = fin->lat ;-- get dimension lat
lon = fin->lon ;-- get dimension lon
ntim = dimsizes(time) ;-- get dimension sizes of time
nlev = dimsizes(lev) ;-- get dimension sizes of lev
nlat = dimsizes(lat) ;-- get dimension sizes of lat
nlon = dimsizes(lon) ;-- get dimension sizes of lon
;-- convert variable t: Kelvin to Celsius
tC = tK ;-- copy variable and its dimensions and attributes
tC = tK - 273.15 ;-- convert from Kelvin to Celsius
tC@units = "Celsius" ;-- define new units
;-- create new netCDF file
fout = addfile(outfile,"c")
;-- begin output file settings
setfileoption(fout,"DefineMode",True) ;-- explicitly declare file definition mode
;-- create global attributes of the file
fAtt = True ;-- assign file attributes
fAtt@title = "NCL Efficient Approach to netCDF Creation"
fAtt@source_file = "ECHAM5_OM_A1B_t_20010101.nc"
fAtt@Conventions = "CF"
fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
fAtt@history = "NCL script: ex_netcdf_2.ncl"
fAtt@comment = "Convert variable t: Kelvin to Celsius"
fileattdef(fout,fAtt) ;-- copy file attributes
;-- predefine the coordinate variables and their dimensionality
dimNames = (/"time", "lev", "lat", "lon"/)
dimSizes = (/ -1 , nlev, nlat, nlon /)
dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False, False/)
;-- predefine the the dimensionality of the variables to be written out
filevardef(fout, "time" ,typeof(time),getvardims(time))
filevardef(fout, "lev" ,typeof(lev), getvardims(lev))
filevardef(fout, "lat" ,typeof(lat), getvardims(lat))
filevardef(fout, "lon" ,typeof(lon), getvardims(lon))
filevardef(fout, "tC" ,typeof(tK), getvardims(tK))
;-- copy attributes associated with each variable to the file
filevarattdef(fout,"time" ,time) ;-- copy time attributes
filevarattdef(fout,"lev" ,lev) ;-- copy lev attributes
filevarattdef(fout,"lat" ,lat) ;-- copy lat attributes
filevarattdef(fout,"lon" ,lon) ;-- copy lon attributes
filevarattdef(fout,"tC", tC) ;-- copy tC attributes
;-- explicitly exit file definition mode (not required)
;-- output only the data values since the dimensionality and such have been predefined.
;-- The "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the data values to the predefined
;-- locations on the file.
fout->time = (/time/) ;-- write time to new netCDF file
fout->lev = (/lev/) ;-- write lev to new netCDF file
fout->lat = (/lat/) ;-- write lat to new netCDF file
fout->lon = (/lon/) ;-- write lon to new netCDF file
fout->tC = (/tC/) ;-- write variable to new netCDF file