DKRZ PyNGL example plot curvilinear data#


We will use xarray in the future exclusively for reading and writing data files because at the beginning of 2019 NCAR has decided to freeze PyNIO until further notice.

Example script:


    Example of how to plot curvilinear data.

Effects illustrated:
    - Plotting curvilinear data
    - Filled contour plot
import os
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import Ngl

#-- Function:   add_titles(wks,plot,resources,title,left,center,right)
def add_titles(wks,plot,title="",left="",center="",right=""):
   vpx = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpXF")             #-- retrieve value of res.vpXF from plot
   vpy = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpYF")             #-- retrieve value of res.vpYF from plot
   vpw = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpWidthF")         #-- retrieve value of res.vpWidthF from plot
   vph = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpHeightF")        #-- retrieve value of res.vpHeightF from plot

   ymax = vpy+0.08                              #-- we need space for the title and strings

   if(ymax > 0.98):
      print("--> if you can't see the title use res.nglMaximize = False and/or set res.vpYF")

#-- add title
   if(title != ""):
      tires = Ngl.Resources()
      tires.txFontHeightF =  0.018
      tires.txJust        = "CenterCenter"
      tires.txFont        =  22                     #-- Font 22: Helvetica bold
      if(left != "" or center != "" or right != ""):
         y = vpy + 0.06
         y = vpy + 0.04

      vpxc = vpx + (vpw/2)
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, title, vpxc, y, tires)

#-- add left, center and/or right string
   txres = Ngl.Resources()
   txres.txFontHeightF = 0.014                  #-- font size for left, center and right string

   y = vpy + 0.02                               #-- y-position

   if(left != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"               #-- text justification
      x = vpx                                   #-- x-position
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, left, x, y, txres)      #-- add text to wks

   if(center != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterCenter"             #-- text justification
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, center, 0.5, y, txres)  #-- add text to wks

   if(right != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterRight"              #-- text justification
      x = vpx+vpw                               #-- x-position
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, right, x, y, txres)     #-- add text to wks

#-- Function: main
def main():

    #-- set file name
    home  =  os.environ.get('HOME')
    diri  = 'data/CORDEX/EUR-11'
    fname = ''

    file_name = os.path.join(home,diri,fname)

    #-- variable name
    varname = 'tas'

    #-- open file
    ds = xr.open_dataset(file_name)

    #-- read the variables
    var   = ds[varname][0,:,:]
    lat2d = ds['lat']                           #-- 2D coordinate
    lon2d = ds['lon']                           #-- 2D coordinate

    print('lat2d.shape: {}'.format(lat2d.shape))
    print('lon2d.shape: {}'.format(lon2d.shape))

    #-- open a workstation
    wks_type              = "png"               #-- output type
    wks                   =  Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,'plot_curvilinear_data_CORDEX_EUR-11')

    #-- set resources
    res                   =  Ngl.Resources()    #-- generate an resources object for plot
    res.nglFrame          =  False
    res.nglMaximize       =  True

    res.cnFillOn          =  True               #-- turn on contour fill
    res.cnLinesOn         =  False              #-- don't draw contour lines
    res.cnLineLabelsOn    =  False              #-- don't draw line labels
    res.cnFillPalette     = "BlueYellowRed"     #-- set color map
    res.cnLevelSelectionMode  = "ManualLevels"
    res.cnMinLevelValF    =  250
    res.cnMaxLevelValF    =  290
    res.cnLevelSpacingF   =  2

    res.lbOrientation     = "Horizontal"        #-- labelbar orientation

    res.sfXArray          =  lon2d.values       #-- longitude grid cell center
    res.sfYArray          =  lat2d.values       #-- latitude grid cell center

    res.mpFillOn          =  False              #-- don't draw filled map
    res.mpGridLatSpacingF =  10.                #-- grid lat spacing
    res.mpGridLonSpacingF =  10.                #-- grid lon spacing
    res.mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"         #-- map database
    res.mpLimitMode       = "LatLon"            #-- must be set using minLatF/maxLatF/minLonF/maxLonF
    res.mpMinLatF         =  15.                #-- sub-region minimum latitude
    res.mpMaxLatF         =  80.                #-- sub-region maximum latitude
    res.mpMinLonF         = -50.                #-- sub-region minimum longitude
    res.mpMaxLonF         =  70.                #-- sub-region maximum longitude

    #-- create the plot
    plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks,var,res)         #-- create the contour plot

    #-- add the title and left, center and/or right string
    title = "Curvilinear grid:  tas (CORDEX EUR-11)"   #-- main title string

    if var.attrs['units']:                      #-- retrieve units attribute
       units = var.attrs['units']


    #-- advance the frame

    #-- end

if __name__ == '__main__':


PyNgl curvilinear data CORDEX w400