DKRZ PyNGL example polar plot#

Example script:

#  File:
#  Synopsis:
#    Illustrates how to plot contour lines on polar map plot
#  Categories:
#    map plot
#    contours
#    labelbar
#    text
#  Author:
#    Karin Meier-Fleischer, based on NCL example
#  Date of initial publication:
#    February 2019
#  Based on NCL example:
#    polar_1.ncl
#  Description:
#    This example shows how to plot contour lines on polar map plot.
#  Effects illustrated:
#    o  Drawing polar map
#    o  Drawing contours
#    o  Customize labelbar
#    o  Use overlay
#    o  Add text
#  Output:
#    A single visualization is produced.
#  Notes: The data for this example can be downloaded from
  Transition Guide Python Example:

  -  Drawing a map
  -  Drawing contours
  -  Customize labelbar size
  -  Use overlay
  -  Add text

  2019-02-05  kmf
from __future__ import print_function
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import Ngl, os

# Based on add_lon_labels from PyNGL example
# -- The labels won't fit perfectly when mpCenterLonF is used.
# This procedure adds longitude labels to the outside of a circular
# polar stereographic map.
def add_lon_labels(wks,map,res):
    #-- List the longitude values where you want labels.  It's assumed that longitude=0
    #-- is at the bottom of the plot, and 180W at the top. You can adjust as necessary.
    lon_values = np.arange(-180,180,30)
    nlon       = lon_values.shape[0]
    lat_values = np.zeros(nlon,'f') + res.mpMinLatF

    #-- Get the NDC coordinates of these lat,lon labels. We'll use this information
    #-- to place labels *outside* of the map plot.
    xndc, yndc = Ngl.datatondc(map,lon_values,lat_values)

    #-- Set an array of justification strings to use with the "txJust" resource
    #-- for each label, based on which quadrant it appears in.
    just_strs  = ["BottomCenter",                 #-- top of plot
                  "BottomRight","BottomRight",    #-- upper left quadrant
                  "CenterRight",                  #-- left of plot
                  "TopRight","TopRight",          #-- lower left quadrant
                  "TopCenter",                    #-- bottom of plot
                  "TopLeft","TopLeft",            #-- lower right quadrant
                  "CenterLeft",                   #-- right of plot
                  "BottomLeft","BottomLeft"]      #-- upper right qudrant

    #-- Create an array of longitude labels with "W" and "E" added.
    lon_labels = []
    for i in range(nlon):
        if lon_values[i] == -180:
            lon_labels.append("{:g}W ~C~ ".format(abs(lon_values[i]))) #-- move the label upward
        elif lon_values[i] < 0:
            lon_labels.append("{:g}W ".format(abs(lon_values[i])))     #-- add W and move to the left

        elif lon_values[i] > 0:
            lon_labels.append(" {:g}E".format(lon_values[i]))          #-- add E and move to the right
            lon_labels.append(" ~C~{:g}".format(lon_values[i]))        #-- move label downward

    #-- Loop through each label and add it.
    txres = Ngl.Resources()
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.01
    for i in range(nlon):
        txres.txJust = just_strs[i]


#-- Function: main
def main():
    ncarg =  os.environ['NCARG_ROOT']               #-- get the content of environment variable
    diri  = ''.join([ncarg+'/lib/ncarg/data/cdf/']) #-- concatenate paths
    fname = ''                              #-- data file name

    f   = xr.open_dataset(''.join([diri,fname]))    #-- open file
    u   = f['U'][1,:,:]                             #-- read zonal winds
    lat = f['lat'][:]                               #-- read latitudes
    lon = f['lon'][:]                               #-- read longitudes

    u,lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(u,lon)                   #-- add cyclic point to data array and longitude

    wks = Ngl.open_wks('png','plot_polar')          #-- send graphics to PNG file
    Ngl.define_colormap(wks,"MPL_YlGnBu")           #-- define colormap

    #-- base map
    mpres                       =  Ngl.Resources()  #-- plot mods desired
    mpres.nglDraw               =  False            #-- don't draw until the end
    mpres.nglFrame              =  False            #-- don't automatically advance frame
    mpres.nglMaximize           =  False            #-- don't maximize the plot, we want to
                                                    #--     use viewport settings
    mpres.vpXF                  =  0.05             #-- viewport x-position
    mpres.vpYF                  =  0.88             #-- viewport y-position
    mpres.vpWidthF              =  0.8              #-- viewport width
    mpres.vpHeightF             =  0.8              #-- viewport height

    mpres.mpProjection          = 'Stereographic'   #-- set projection
    mpres.mpEllipticalBoundary  =  True             #-- map projection area is limited to an ellipse
                                                    #--     inscribed within the normal rectangular
                                                    #--     perimeter of the viewport
    mpres.mpDataSetName         = 'Earth..4'        #-- change map data set
    mpres.mpDataBaseVersion     = 'MediumRes'       #-- choose higher map resolution
    mpres.mpLimitMode           = 'LatLon'
    mpres.mpMaxLatF             =  90.              #-- maximum latitude; northern hemisphere
    mpres.mpMinLatF             =  30.              #-- minimum latitude
    mpres.mpCenterLatF          =  90.              #-- center latitude

    mpres.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = 'Never'           #-- turn off default ticmkark object, don't draw the box

    map =,mpres)                        #-- create base map

    Ngl.draw(map)                                   #-- draw map

    add_lon_labels(wks,map,mpres)                   #-- add labels to map

    #-- contour plot
    cmap = [2,10,20,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110]

    res                       =  Ngl.Resources()    #-- plot mods desired
    res.nglDraw               =  False              #-- do not draw until the end
    res.nglFrame              =  False              #-- do not automatically advance frame

    res.cnFillOn              =  True               #-- turn contour fill on
    res.cnFillColors          =  cmap               #-- use color indices
    res.cnLinesOn             =  False              #-- turn off contour lines
    res.cnLineLabelsOn        =  False              #-- turn off contour line labels
    res.cnInfoLabelOn         =  False              #-- turn off contour line info label
    res.cnLevelSelectionMode  = "ManualLevels"      #-- define your own contour levels
    res.cnMinLevelValF        =  -8                 #-- minimum contour value
    res.cnMaxLevelValF        =  28                 #-- maximum contour value
    res.cnLevelSpacingF       =   4                 #-- contour increment

    res.sfXArray              =  lon                #-- use cyclic longitude; already numpy array
    res.sfYArray              =  lat.values         #-- use latitude in numpy array

    res.lbLabelFontHeightF    =  0.012              #-- set labelbar font size
    res.lbLeftMarginF         =  0.3                #-- move labelbar to the right
    res.pmLabelBarWidthF      =  0.1                #-- width of labelbar
    res.pmLabelBarHeightF     =  mpres.vpHeightF - 0.2 #-- height of labelbar

    res.tiMainString          = 'July zonal winds'  #-- title string

    plot = Ngl.contour(wks,u,res)                   #-- create contour plot

    #-- overlay contour plot on base map
    Ngl.overlay(map,plot)                           #-- overlay this contour on map
    Ngl.draw(map)                                   #-- draw the map
    Ngl.frame(wks)                                  #-- advance the frame

if __name__ == '__main__':


PyNgl polar w400