Python unstructured ICON triangles plot (python 2)#
Software requirements:
Python 2.7
Example script#
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
DKRZ example
Python script using matplotlib
- ICON model data
- cell center
- cylindrical equidistant projection
- add colorbar
- save to PNG
2016 copyright DKRZ licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 <br>
import math, time, sys, os
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from netCDF4 import Dataset as open_ncfile
#-- Function: main
def main():
t1 = time.time() #-- retrieve start time
#-- define data and grid file path, and variable
fname = '../../data/' #-- data file
gname = '../../data/' #-- grid info file
VarName = 'ta' #-- variable name
#-- open data and grid file and read data and coordinate variable
f = open_ncfile(fname,'r') #-- add data file
g = open_ncfile(gname,'r') #-- add grid file (not contained in data file!!!)
#-- read first timestep and level of variable 'ta'
variable = f.variables['ta'] #-- first time step, lev, ncells
var = variable[0,0,:] #-- ta [time,lev,ncells]
var = var - 273.15 #-- convert to degrees Celsius
title = 'Matplotlib: ICON model data' #-- plot title string
#-- define _FillValue and missing_value if not existing
missing = -1e20
if not hasattr(var,'_FillValue'):
var._FillValue = missing #-- set _FillValue
if not hasattr(var,'missing_value'):
var.missing_value = missing #-- set missing_value
varM =, mask=np.equal(var,missing)) #-- mask array with missing values
nummissing = np.count_nonzero(varM.mask) #-- number of missing values
#-- set data intervals, levels, labels, color indices
varMin, varMax, varInt = -32, 28, 4 #-- set data minimum, maximum, interval
levels = range(varMin,varMax,varInt) #-- set levels array
nlevs = len(levels) #-- number of levels
labels = ['{:.2f}'.format(x) for x in levels] #-- convert list of floats to list of strings
#-- define the x-, y-values and the polygon points
rad2deg = 45./np.arctan(1.) #-- radians to degrees
x, y = g.variables['clon'][:], g.variables['clat'][:]
vlon, vlat = g.variables['clon_vertices'][:], g.variables['clat_vertices'][:]
ncells, nv = vlon.shape[0], vlon.shape[1] #-- number of cells and edges
#-- create figure and axes instances; we need subplots for plot and colorbar
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#-- create basic map
map = Basemap(projection = 'cyl', lon_0 = 0., suppress_ticks = False)
map.drawcoastlines() #-- draw coastlines, state and country boundaries, edge of map
#-- convert latitude/longitude values into degrees
x, y = x*rad2deg, y*rad2deg #-- cell center lon/lat
vlon_deg, vlat_deg = vlon*rad2deg, vlat*rad2deg
#-- convert corrdinates of the triangles to 1D-arrays
vlon_1d, vlat_1d = vlon_deg.ravel(), vlat_deg.ravel()
#-- rearrange the longitude values to -180.-180.
def rearrange(vlon_ar):
less_than = vlon_ar < -180.
greater_than = vlon_ar > 180.
vlon_ar[less_than] = vlon_ar[less_than] + 360.
vlon_ar[greater_than] = vlon_ar[greater_than] - 360.
return vlon_ar
vlon_1d = rearrange(vlon_1d) #-- set longitude values to -180.-180. degrees
#-- convert latitude/longitude values to map x/y values
x0v, y0v = map(vlon_1d, vlat_1d)
#-- assign and set polygon array for polygons of type Nx2
xy = np.ndarray([ncells*nv,2],np.float32)
xy[:,0] = x0v
xy[:,1] = y0v
#-- print information to stdout
print('Cell points: ', nv)
print('Cells: ', str(ncells))
print('Variable ta min/max: %.2f ' % np.min(var) + '/' + ' %.2f' % np.max(var))
#-- define color map
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral_r', nlevs+1) #-- read the color map
bounds = range(varMin,varMax,varInt) #-- set bounds for color bar
bounds2 = [(varMin-varInt)] + bounds + [(varMax+varInt)] #-- add color to the right and left
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) #-- normalize for color bar
cmaplist = [i for i in range(cmap.N)] #-- color bar indices
ncol = len(cmaplist) #-- number of colors
colors = np.ndarray([ncells+1,4],np.float32) #-- assign color array for triangles
white = [[1.,1.,1.,1.]]
print('levels: ',levels)
print('nlevs: %3d' %nlevs)
print('ncols: %3d' %ncol)
#-- set color index of all cells in between levels
for m in xrange(0,nlevs):
vind = [] #-- empty list for color indices
for i in xrange(0,ncells-1):
if (varM[i] >= levels[m] and varM[i] < levels[m+1]):
colors[i,:] = cmap(cmaplist[m+1])
print('finished level %3d' % m , ' -- %5d ' % len(vind) , ' polygons considered')
del vind
colors[np.where(varM < varMin),:] = cmap(cmaplist[0]) #-- set color index for cells less than level[0]
colors[np.where(varM >= varMax),:] = cmap(cmaplist[ncol-1]) #-- set color index for cells greater than levels[nlevs-1]
colors[np.nonzero(varM.mask),:] = white #-- set color index for missing values
#-- create the polygons; take care of edge effects
j = 0
icut = 0
icha = 0
for i in range(0,ncells-1):
triangle = xy[j:j+nv]
edgesl = triangle[:,0] < -179.5
edgesr = triangle[:,0] > 179.5
if (sum(edgesl) == 2):
triangle = np.where(triangle < -179.5, triangle + 360., triangle)
icha = icha + 1
if (sum(edgesr) == 2):
triangle = np.where(triangle > 179.5, triangle - 360., triangle)
icha = icha + 1
negative = triangle[:,0] < 0
positive = triangle[:,0] > 0
center = (triangle[:,0] > -180.) & (triangle[:,0] < 180.)
if not (sum(negative) == 3 or sum(positive) == 3 or sum(center) == 3):
icut = icut + 1
polygon = Polygon(triangle, fc=colors[i,:], ec='black', closed=True, \
lw=0.3, ls='solid')
# lw=0.3, ls='solid', aa=False, clip_on=True)
j = j + nv
print('---> %5d' % icha + ' triangles longitude value + 360.')
print('---> %5d' % icut + ' triangles cut off')
#-- add a color bar
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.03]) #-- l, b, w, h
cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, spacing='proportional',\
ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds2, format='%3i', \
cbar.set_label('deg C') #-- add colorbar title string
#-- display on screen
#-- maximize and save the PNG file
plt.savefig('plot_unstructured_ICON_triangles.png', bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150)
#with PdfPages('plot_unstructured_ICON_triangles.pdf') as pdf:
# pdf.savefig() #-- saves the figure into a PDF page
# plt.close()
#-- get wallclock time
t2 = time.time()
print('Wallclock time: %0.3f seconds' % (t2-t1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Plot result: