Posts tagged lustre

How to keep disk usage under control

Below, we provide some tips how to monitor your disk usage on Levante and find large files and directories in case you are nearing or exceeding your disk storage quota.

You can check your disk quota on Levante with the wrapper script stored in the /sw/bin directory. To display disk usage and limits for the personal directories assigned to your user account (i.e. /home and /scratch), use:

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How big are my files?

Our server luv shows you how much storage space your project is using and also how much each individual project member is contributing. For technical reasons, we can only show the apparent size (see below) of a user’s files. For the entire project, however, we show the actually occupied disk space. We are not happy about this inconsistency but for now, we have to live with it.

Here we try to explain the difference between the two ways to measure the size of files.

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