Posts tagged matlab

How to install jupyter kernel for Matlab

In this tutorial, I will describe i) the steps to create a kernel for Matlab and ii) get the matlab_kernel working in Jupyterhub on Levante.

conda environment with python 3.9


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How to improve interactive performance of MATLAB

When using ssh X11-Forwarding (options -X or -Y), matlab can be slow to start and also exhibit slow response to interactive use. This is because X11 sends many small packets over the network, often awaiting a response before continuing. This interacts unfavorably with medium or even higher latency connections, i.e. WiFi.

A way to eliminate this issue is to use dedicated resources and to start a remote desktop session that does not suffer from network latencies in the same manner. This approach requires a VNC client vncviewer installed on your local machine. A widely used VNC client is TurboVNC.

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