Posts tagged news


We proudly announce new publications of model simulations when we publish them at our DKRZ ESGF node. We also keep you updated about the status and the services around the CMIP Data Pool. Find extensive documentions under this link.

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New Singularity module deployed

Recently, we deployed a new version of Singularity: 3.6.1. The old version is not available anymore due to many bugs reported by some users.

Errors like these are now fixed:

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DKRZ Tech Talks

It is our great pleasure to introduce the DKRZ Tech Talks. In this series of virtual talks we will present services of DKRZ and provide a forum for questions and answers. They will cover technical aspects of the use of our compute systems as well as procedures such as compute time applications and different teams relevant to DKRZ such as our machine learning specialists. The talks will be recorded and uploaded afterwards for further reference.

Go here for more information.

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New Jupyterhub server at DKRZ

  • 03 September 2020

On August 20th, 2020 we deployed a new Jupyterhub server at the DKRZ. The new release has various new features that enhance the user experience.

Link to Jupyterhub server

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