Posts tagged mistral
Data Migration Mistral to Levante
- 04 March 2022
So that not every user or every project has to copy its data from Mistral to Levante, DKRZ will take over this in a coordinated manner. In this way, the bandwidth between the systems can be better utilised.
We will only copy data located in /work
- and only for projects that have
resources granted on the Levante system.
Python Matplotlib fails with “QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display”
- 18 September 2018
Matplotlib is useful for interactive 2D plotting and also for batch production of plots inside a job. The default behavior is to do interactive plotting which requires the package to open a window on your display. For this purpose you have to log into mistral with X11 forwarding enabled.
If you run matplotlib in a jobscript where you just want to create files of your plots, you have to tell matplotlib to use a non-interactive backend. See matplotlib’s documentation how to do that and which backends are available. Here is how to select the Agg backend (raster graphics png) inside your script. Add to the top of your imports
How to use SSHFS to mount remote lustre filesystem over SSH
- 19 June 2017
In order to interact with directories and files located on the lustre filesystem, users can mount the remote filesystem via SSHFS (SSH Filesystem) over a normal ssh connection.
SSHFS is Linux based software that needs to be installed on your local computer. On Ubuntu and Debian based systems it can be installed through apt-get. On Mac OSX you can install SHFS - you will need to download FUSE and SSHFS from the osxfuse site. On Windows you will need to grab the latest win-sshfs package from the google code repository or use an alternative approach like WinSCP.
How can I run a short MPI job using up to 4 nodes?
- 19 June 2017
You can use SLURM Quality of Service (QOS) express by inserting the following line into your job script:
or using the option –qos with the sbatch command:
How can I check my disk space usage?
- 19 June 2017
Your individual disk space usage in HOME and SCRATCH as well as the quota state of your projects can be checked using the commands listed in File Systems. An additional overview is provided DKRZ online portal. The numbers there are updated daily.
(updated 2023-07-26)
How can I access my Lustre data from outside DKRZ/ZMAW?
- 19 June 2017
For data transfer you can use either sftp:
or rsync command: