Posts tagged ssh

OpenSSH Certificate Authentication

It is very convenient to allocate part of a node ore even a full node for interactive work on Levante. We describe how to do this in our main documentation.

If you always use a login node of Levante to log into the allocated node, then you won’t have any problems with host keys. However, if you use a login node as a jump host for loging into the allocated node from your local machine, then you may see a warning.

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How do I log into the same login node I used before maps to a whole group of nodes to distribute the load:

All login nodes share the same file system so most of the time you do not have to care which node you are on. However, there are reasons why you may want to connect to a specific node (for example, to reattach to a running tmux session). You first have to find out on which node you are. This may be indicated in your prompt or you can also use hostname for this purpose:

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How to prevent interuptions of ssh connections to DKRZ systems?

If your ssh connections to login nodes are interrupted after short periods without any keyboard activitiy and you get an error message containing the string “broken pipe”, try to set the ServerAliveInterval parameter appropriately.

On Linux and macOS systems with the OpenSSH implementation there is essentially two methods to adjust this client setting. First, it can be set as a command-line option to ssh:

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