Posts by dkrz
OpenSSH Certificate Authentication
- 11 April 2023
It is very convenient to allocate part of a node ore even a full node for interactive work on Levante. We describe how to do this in our main documentation.
If you always use a login node of Levante to log into the allocated node, then you won’t have any problems with host keys. However, if you use a login node as a jump host for loging into the allocated node from your local machine, then you may see a warning.
Basemap on levante
- 14 June 2022
Basemap has reached end-of-life and we won’t install basemap system wide (python 3 module) but you can easily install it into a personal conda environment like this
On Levante:
API for Accounting Data
- 09 June 2022
As a project admin or even as a normal project user you may look from time to time into accounting data for resources we provide (Levante, archive, etc.).
For each project you participate in, you can find a table on like the one shown below. Usually you only see your own entries. Other user’s names are hidden.

How to build ICON on Levante
- 20 May 2022
The current ICON release 2.6.4 has no setup for building and running on the new HPC system levante
There are multiple options to get an ICON binary and run it:
Using Spyder on levante
- 26 April 2022
The Python IDE Spyder is hidden in the python3 module and needs additional libraries from spack to start.
Load the missing libraries via spack and load python3 (which contains spyder): missing
- 22 April 2022
Update 2022-10-17: This problem should be fixed with our current software stack. The workaround is not required any longer.
When trying to start a gui application like gvim, you get an error message:
Data Migration Mistral to Levante
- 04 March 2022
So that not every user or every project has to copy its data from Mistral to Levante, DKRZ will take over this in a coordinated manner. In this way, the bandwidth between the systems can be better utilised.
We will only copy data located in /work
- and only for projects that have
resources granted on the Levante system.
Bus error in jobs
- 11 February 2022
Update 2022-06-14: The problem was solved by an update of the Lustre-client by our storage vendor. The workaround described below should no longer be necessary. If one of your jobs runs into a bus error, please let us know.
When running jobs on Levante, these sometimes fail with a Bus error, similar to the example below: