Changelog: slk v3.3.81#

Changes from slk v3.3.76 to v3.3.81

Highlight Fixes / Features#

  • slk retrieve and slk recall print the id of the StrongLink-internal tape-recall job

  • slk retrieve overwrites files by default when they already exist; use -s to skip or -d to create duplicates

  • slk archive and slk retrieve need -R to be set when namespace/folder is to be transferred

All Fixes / Features#

  • slk recall: print the id of the StrongLink-internal tape-recall job

  • slk retrieve:
    • print the id of the StrongLink-internal tape-recall job (not printed when files are already in the HSM cache)

    • overwrites files by default when they already exist

    • -d: create duplicate file when target already exist

    • -ns: re-create the full source path in the target location

    • slk retrieve NAMESPACE TARGET does not work anymore but -R has to be provided: slk retrieve -R NAMESPACE TARGET

  • slk archive:
    • slk archive FOLDER TARGET does not work anymore but -R has to be provided: slk archive -R FOLDER TARGET

  • minor fixes related to log messages

  • execute permissions of are enforced POSIX-conformal (past: execute permissions of folders were ignored when the read and write access of users on files and subfolders was determined)

  • the size threshold for files to kept in the HSM cache permanently and the clean-up time of the HSM cache have been reduced

Known issues#

  • slk list wildcard evaluation for directories does only work if * replace the full name of a directory and not parts; this works: slk list /arch/*/k204221/INDEX.txt; but not: slk list /arch/b*/k204221/INDEX.txt

  • slk list SEARCH_ID collects all search results, first, and, then, prints them. This might take a while if many search results are found. Alternatively, you can run slk_helpers list_search on the same SEARCH_ID which will print search results continuously.

  • slk move allows to use the * wildcard to specify the source files; doing so will cause an error You do not have permission to access this endpoint

  • slk list does not print (Partial File) when partial file has been moved or renamed