Changelog: slk_helpers v1.8.2#

Update from slk_helpers v1.7.4 to v1.8.2

see here for changes from slk_helpers v1.7.1 to v1.7.4

see here for changes from slk_helpers v1.6.0 to v1.7.1

see here for changes from slk_helpers v1.5.8 to v1.6.0

see here for changes from slk_helpers v1.5.7 to v1.5.7

see here for changes from slk_helpers v1.2.x to v1.5.7

Please have a look here for a detailed description of the new features and here for an incremental changelog.

Major changes#

  • bugfixes in the output of the commands metadata and group_files_by_tape / gfbt

  • checksum and group_files_by_tape / gfbt did not work properly when files were split on multiple tapes

  • search_limited has be deprecated; please use slk search

  • group_files_by_tape / gfbt has a flag --print-progress which will cause the programm to print progress reports; this is useful because the command might run very long when the input is large

All fixes and new features#

changes 1.7.4 to 1.7.6#

  • minor bugfixes in the output of the command metadata

  • extended the command json2hsm by the argument -j / --json-string JSON_STRING which allows to pass a JSON string directly to the command instead of writing it into a file. If a filename is provided in addition, an error is thrown.

  • the commands hsm2json and metadata have a new argument --print-hidden; they do not print the field netcdf.Data by default (and other sidecar data); these data are printed when the new argument --print-hidden is set

changes 1.7.x to 1.8.2#

  • new commands:
    • resource_permissions: print permissions of a resource

    • resource_type: print type of a resource (‘namespace’ or ‘file’)

    • resource_path: same as resourcepath

    • tape_barcode: get tape barcode from tape id (barcode needed for search queries)

    • tape_id: get tape id from barcode

  • new arguments
    • --tape-barcode is new for tape_exists and tape_status

    • --print-tape-barcode, -c / --count-files and --print-progress are new for group_files_by_tape / gfbt

  • search_limited has be deprecated; please use slk search

  • a file might be split into multiple parts, which are stored on separate tapes; this was not captured properly by the following commands and is fixed now:
    • checksum: prints an error when a file is split because no checksum are available for the overall file (only for the file parts)

    • group_files_by_tape / gfbt: properly identifies files stored on multiple tapes

  • job_status`: fixed a certain job status which caused job_status to fail

Known issues#

  • slk_helpers iscached might print cached although a file is not cached (will be fixed in next release)