Posted in 2017

Why does my job wait so long before being executed? or: Why is my job being overtaken by other jobs in the queue?

There are several possible reasons for to be queued for a long time and/or to be overtaken …

… later submitted jobs with a higher priority (usually these have used less of their share then your job).

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When will my SLURM job start?

The SLURM squeue command with the options - -start and -j provides an estimate for the job start time, for example:

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How to use environment modules in batch scripts

module is a shell function which modifies shell environment after loading or unloading a module file. If you are using different shells as login shell and for job batch scripts (e.g. tcsh as login shell and your job scripts start with #!/bin/bash), you need to add an appropriate source command in your script before any invocation of the module function (otherwise the module: command not found. error message will result and the shell environment won’t be modified as intended):

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How to use SSHFS to mount remote lustre filesystem over SSH

In order to interact with directories and files located on the lustre filesystem, users can mount the remote filesystem via SSHFS (SSH Filesystem) over a normal ssh connection.

SSHFS is Linux based software that needs to be installed on your local computer. On Ubuntu and Debian based systems it can be installed through apt-get. On Mac OSX you can install SHFS - you will need to download FUSE and SSHFS from the osxfuse site. On Windows you will need to grab the latest win-sshfs package from the google code repository or use an alternative approach like WinSCP.

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How to set the default Slurm project account

Specification of the project account (via option -A or --account) is necessary to submit a job or make a job allocation, otherwise your request will be rejected. To set the default project account you can use the following SLURM input environment variables

SLURM_ACCOUNT - interpreted by srun command

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How to improve interactive performance of MATLAB

When using ssh X11-Forwarding (options -X or -Y), matlab can be slow to start and also exhibit slow response to interactive use. This is because X11 sends many small packets over the network, often awaiting a response before continuing. This interacts unfavorably with medium or even higher latency connections, i.e. WiFi.

A way to eliminate this issue is to use dedicated resources and to start a remote desktop session that does not suffer from network latencies in the same manner. This approach requires a VNC client vncviewer installed on your local machine. A widely used VNC client is TurboVNC.

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How to display the batch script for a running job

Once your batch job started execution (i.e. is in RUNNING state) your job script is copied to the slurm admin nodes and kept until the job finalizes - this prevents problems that might occur if the job script gets modified while the job is running. As a side-effect you can delete the job script without interfering with the execution of the job.

If you accidentally removed or modified the job script of a running job, you can use the following command to query for the script that is actually used for executing the job:

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How to Write a shell alias or function for quick login to a node managed by SLURM

For tasks better run in a dedicated but interactive fashion, it might be advantageous to save the repeating pattern of reserving resources and starting a new associated shell in an alias or function, as explained below.

If you use bash as default shell you can place the following alias definition in your ~/.bashrc file and source this file in the ~/.bash_profile or in the ~/.profile file:

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How can I see on which nodes my job was running?

Yon can use the SLURM sacct command with the following options:

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How can I run a short MPI job using up to 4 nodes?

You can use SLURM Quality of Service (QOS) express by inserting the following line into your job script:

or using the option –qos with the sbatch command:

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How can I get a stack trace if my program crashes?

The classical approach to find the location where your program crashed is to run it in a debugger or inspect a core file with the debugger. A quick way to get the stack trace without the need for a debugger is to compile your program with the following options:

In case of segment violation during execution of the program, detailed information on the location of the problem (call stack trace with routine names and line numbers) will be provided:

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How can I choose which account to use, if I am subscribed to more than one project?

Just insert the following line into your job script:

There is no default project account.

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How can I check my disk space usage?

Your individual disk space usage in HOME and SCRATCH as well as the quota state of your projects can be checked using the commands listed in File Systems. An additional overview is provided DKRZ online portal. The numbers there are updated daily.

(updated 2023-07-26)

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How can I access my Lustre data from outside DKRZ/ZMAW?

For data transfer you can use either sftp:

or  rsync command:

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Can I run cron jobs on HPC login nodes?

For system administration reasons users are not allowed to shedule and execute periodic jobs on DKRZ HPC systems using the cron utility. Our recommendation is to use the functionality provided by the workload manager Slurm for this purpose. With the option --begin of the sbatch command you can postpone the execution of your jobs until the specified time. For example, to run a job every day after 12pm you can use the following job script re-submitting itself at the beginning of the execution:

A variety of different date and time specifications is possible with the --begin option, for example: now+1hour, midnight, noon, teatime, YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss], 7AM, 6PM etc. For more details see manual pages of the sbatch command:

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Is a FTP client available on Levante?

LFTP is installed on Levante for download and upload of files from/to an external server via File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

The user name for authentication can be provided via option -u or --user.

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