Remote file system#

For some use cases, it is convenient to interact with directories and files on Levantes file system (almost) as if it were part of the local file system on ones personal computer. For this purpose, SSHFS (SSH Filesystem) can be used. It mounts the remote file system using an ssh connection.

Use case examples#

Opening and editing files#

Files on the remote file system can be opened using software installed on the local system. Use your favorite (locally installed) editor for opening and editing text files or view the recently created plot with the image viewer you are used to.

Usage (Linux)#

Mounting the remote file system#

The first step is to create a mount point. This is only necessary, if the mount point does not already exist. After that, the remote file system can be mounted. In this example, we use a newly created directory located locally at ~/levante_home. The remote directory that is mounted in this case is the home directory on Levante.

# create mount point
$ mkdir -p ~/levante_home
# mount the remote directory to the mount point
$ sshfs -o idmap=user ~/levante_home

After successfully mounting the remote file system, the directories and files are accessible as if they were on the local file system.

Unmounting the remote file system#

After work is done, the remote file system should be unmounted.

# unmount remote directory
$ fusermount -u ~/levante_home

Usage (Windows)#

Using WinFS and SSHFS-Win, the remote directory can be mounted with the command line.

Mounting the remote file system#

:: mount remote home to X: drive
> net use X: \\sshfs\

Unmounting the remote file system#

Unmounting the remote directory with the command line.

:: unmount remote directory
> net use X: /delete