
DKRZ regularly offers training courses and workshops for users. The courses cover a broad range of topics related to the usage of HPC systems installed at DKRZ, parallel programming, performance analysis and tuning of applications, data analysis and visualization with NCL, Avizo Green and ParaView etc.


Information about upcoming and past training courses and workshops can be found on our Indico server.

Furthermore, DKRZ is partner in the HHCC (virtual Hamburg HPC Competence Center) which offers courses and an HPC Certification Program providing basic and advanced HPC knowledge and HPC competences. Please refer to HHCC website for more information.

The following table lists a selection of past training events and workshops held at DKRZ and provides links to the training materials and presentations.




Parallel Debugging and Profiling

DKRZ’s HPC systems

10 Oct 2017

PAT workshop

DKRZ’s HPC systems

25-27 Oct 2016

Training on DKRZ’s HPC systems (mistral, HPSS and cloud)

DKRZ’s HPC and Storage systems

6-7 Oct 2015

Introduction to DKRZ’s HLRE-3 system Mistral

DKRZ’s HPC system

1 July 2015