Create isosurfaces of ocean current speed#


You can find material at ESiWACE/hpda-vis-training (run the make file of the Training2022/Session3 folder). You can download most files by:

git clone
cd hpda-vis-training/Training2022/Session3/


Whatever you do with paraview, keep saving state files (File -> Save State) (see Save a state file) at regular intervals. You can additionally Make Paraview save a state on quitting or crashing.

First, Load 3D ICON Ocean data in Paraview.

Now it’s time to Apply a calculator to convert u and v into speed and Convert cell data to point data (we want everything as point data).

Finally, Compute isosurfaces from the point data, set the color to show u at a range of -1 to 1, and your result should look somewhat like this:


Rotate as you please to see the currents stack on top of each other.