Create a multi-variable image / animation from a coupled ice sheet - climate simulation#
This example will show how to create an animation based on ocean, vegetation, solid earth, river runoff, and ice sheet data. This requires substantial pre-processing, that will only be outlined here. All preprocessed files can be downloaded from the DKRZ SwiftBrowser
You can download all files by:
git clone
cd hpda-vis-training/Training2021/Session2/

In this example we assume a very basic level of familiarity with Paraview. If you feel lost in between, consider looking at Create an image of sea surface speeds. This multi-variable visualization requires a substantial amount of Pre-processing. We will skip these steps for now, as they are different for any two data sets.
Repeat the same exercise including Convert cell data to point data for
for the topography anddelta_topg
for the isolines - copy and paste as appropriate). That should get you isolines on land.Also apply the contour to the pure Cell Data to Point Data filter, to get isolines on the ocean.